Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Warrior's Tale.

I saw a Braveheart standing alone,
I asked,"What keeps you away from your Sword of Steel"?
He said,"Im sick of blood and cries of mercy",
I have killed millions to be tagged as worthy.
My sword has become heavy,my precision is no more my strength...
No more am i thrilled of the crowd applauding my valour...
I just want to run away from this deep, madning crowd,
Into the world where i can breathe a new life.

His words were true to every inch,
And i could feel his desperate need of Change.
A warrior never seen before, saturated to the core,
But little did he realized ...
There were others too fighting in the ring,
Galloping their horses to fight for a win.
A win that holds no other ground but to survive,
The day they give up is the day they Die.
A gladiator never runs away from his profession to Kill,
The destiny has challenged the blood in your veins.
Let the arena feel your presence one more time....
Let the crow hail your charisma one more time....
"Bring it on" is what your heart should scream,
Come what may...your fears not to be revealed.
Simply because a Winner knows no fear at all,
Your convictions to be lived by you above all.
"Believe in yourself" is all that i can say....
No "Son of a gun" can ever take your stars away.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The First Touch....

With in the boundaries of Trust and Love, 
We shared together something on this very day.
That wonderful, heavenly moment....
I still remember.
The day when our hands gently brushed up against eachother,
The day when you gently glided your hand down my neck.
The sense of surrender in your eyes made me believe that you were only and only mine.
The delicate touch of your hands over me....
The warmth of your breath in my ears,
The tenderness of your lips and those warm and cozy hugs....
yes they were a hallmark of our FAITH in each other.
But as they say...
"Every good thing comes to an end one day"
but is it how our Love had to meet its dooms day???

Thursday, January 8, 2009

बीते लम्हे.....

अलविदा तो कह दिया प्यार की उस हसीन दास्तान को,
आँखों से बहा तो दिया प्यार के उस असीम सागर को...

तो फिर क्यूँ आज भी कुछ टीस बाकी है,
दिल सहमा हुआ सा, और हर सख्स सवाली है?

कोई आशा, कोई आवाज़, कोई रहनुमा ना रहा,
प्यार के आशियाने में ज़िंदगी का निशान ना रहा.

प्यार का झूठा रूप क्या फिर धरा था उसने?
वो बेवफा क्यूँ थी जब प्यार किया मैने?

क्या आई थी वो अपना दिल बहलाने के लिए?
या था कोई रूप धरा उसने असलियत छुपाने के लिए?

ये प्रश्नचिन्ह हर याद के साथ मुझसे मिलते हैं,
मेरे आवेश, मेरे ज़ख़्मो पे नमक छिड़कते हैं,

असहाय सा पड़ा, याद करता हूँ उन वादों को,
उन नज़दीकियों, उन एहससों और उन हसीन शामों को.

सोचा था मैने, की प्यार की ये डगर सुहानी होगी,
कभी ना मिट सके, प्यार की वो अमर कहानी होगी.

नहीं सोचा था की तुम इतनी कायर भी हो सकती हो,
जीवन में सदा के लिए, किसी की नज़रों में इतना गिर सकती हो.

मैं खुश हूँ की तुमने बेहतर अवसर को चुन लिया,
कम से कम इसी बहाने, अपनी असलियत को उजागर तो किया! 

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chaotic Soul.

A Chaotic Soul, reluctant to accept the hardships of life and its uncertainities, has nothing but one thing left on its cards...."TRUE CONTEMPLATION."

Its a time when your soul needs to detoxify itself from the pain presented to you by your loved ones, from the injustice brought to you by the trusted ones and from the Cowardice of people to meet their commitments, when it matters the most.

We all will find such chaotic souls around us but it takes a special vision to be able to figure them out in a crowd. That special vision is nothing else but the "Vision of Humanity" and i'm sure that only few are blessed with it in todays world of materialism and deception.

If you are one of the blessed ones, you'll find such God forsaken souls in the form of a patient, diagnosed for Carcinoma, who never had anything to do with smoking or drinking, you'll find it in the tears of a father, who thought of a comfortable life after retirement, but finds himself in an Old Age Home, you'll find it in the words of a Lover, who is deceived by the very own love whom he considered as a part of his identity.

Reasons for the very existence of such chaotic souls lies in the diminution of moral values, lack of understanding for human emotions and above all self-centric lifestyle. No one has the time to care about the impact of their actions and decisions over others life. Its all about living their lives in the best of their comfort zone, which ultimately creates a vicious circle wherein "one pays his own share of happiness and comfort to ensure the well being of the other."

The irony of such a situation is that the benificiary keeps on taking the leverage of it and the latter is forced to shed off his share of comforts. It is because of this very vicious circle that at times these Chaotic souls wants to 'Cut Loose' and set everything on fire, avenge all the injustice that they have experienced so far. Such an outbreak of emotions is not by the virute of Choice but by the virute of Force. Imagine a mother who is forced to sacrifice her child. What emotions would come to her mind is exactly what these chaotic souls go through every single moment which haunts them, kills them and leave them with a feeling of disgust towards the very existence of humanity and GOD.

No words or act of sympathy can comfort them and infact the last thing that such souls need is Sympathy...One may say that..."It is their destiny and time is the greatest healer of all times" but these statements would be of no avail in terms of providing the much required healing touch. 

What's worth trying is to understand and adhere to the very basic emotions of human life i.e Love, Tolerance, Self Respect, Commitments and many more.... As an individual, if we respect and honor each other's emotions and give a chance to Love to spring up inspite of the social constraints, I am sure that this Earth would be a far better place to live in. 

Will leave you with a thought to conclude with...
Are you responsible for a chaotic soul Or a reason of comfort to it?


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